2024 Partial Building Closure


Updated: Nov 1st, 2024

On Sept. 4, a City of Calgary building inspection found some parts of the Willow Ridge Community Association did not meet the building code and needed to be closed immediately for safety reasons. The WRCA immediately complied with the inspection report and closed the affected areas. 

The affected areas are limited to the original building structure built in 1970, which include the main entrance, office, kitchen area, front hallway, upstairs washrooms, and Maple Hall.

The Willow Hall, Herard Room, Elevator, Stairwell, and Ridge Lounge were expansions completed in 2003 and 2019. They were built to code and can remain open.

A full list of FAQ’s is below and will be updated regularly.


The building was recently renovated. How did this happen?

While the building was renovated in 2019, the areas that have been closed were not part of the scope during that expansion. The renovation was focused on making additions to the building, such as the Willow Room. As is common with renovations, areas of the building that were not part of the renovation were not included in the building review in 2019. 

Why is the lower level of the building still open?

City of Calgary building inspection found that the lower level of the building is safe for people to continue using. The lower level includes: the stairwell, elevator, Rink Room, Preschool Area, church office, mechanical room, storage rooms, and daycare. 

When will the building reopen?

A plan to bring the remaining areas up to code is now in place. The design phase is expected to take 6-8 months and will include a full investigation and report from Structural Engineers at Stantec, design, request for proposals, and obtaining the necessary building permits. The extended design phase will allow the current programs, preschool, and before & after childcare to run until the end of the school year without further interruption.

How long will construction take?

Construction is expected to begin in July 2025 and take approximately two months. Areas of the building that already meet the building code will remain open until construction begins.

Is an interim solution being considered that would allow the areas currently closed to reopen?

Yes, we explored a number of potential interim solutions. Unfortunately, they all would have involved major administrative challenges as well as uncertain timeframes, making this path unfeasible. Our building will continue to remain partially open until construction for a permanent solution begins in July 2025. 


Front entrance is closed. Please use back entrance.


Doors at back of building are equipped with accessible button and the elevator to upper level is operational.


Will the WRCA Office be moving to a new location?

Yes, we have a temporary office trailer located at the back of the building, located at the South end. We now have heat, power, internet and phones set up, so we are ready for visitors, and walk-in rental inquiries. Office hours are Mon-Fri 8:30am-3:30pm. If we are not in the office trailer, we are likely in the building taking care of a renter or facility issue. Feel free to wait, or come and find us in the building.

Will the WRCA reimburse me for rent I have already paid and am now unable to use?

We have been working hard to reschedule or find alternate locations for your booking. If your program or event is cancelled, you will be notified, and a full refund will be processed within 10 business days.

Will the rental fee be lowered due to lack of services?
No, the rental fees for the Willow & Herard rooms remain the same. There are accessible washrooms on the lower level and we have an accessible entrance through the back door, as well as an elevator for guests who cannot take the stairs. All 2024/25 renters were notified of the partial building closure, and given the option to cancel their event if it no longer meets their expectations. 

Is the WRCA accepting new bookings for areas of the building that remain open?

We are accepting new bookings, space permitting, for the Herard Room & Willow Hall. To help ensure we meet your expectations, and ensure you are fully aware of which areas of the building may be accessed, we will provide you with a site visit prior to your event.

Will renters in the lower level have to move to another facility during construction?

During construction, the entire building will be closed, with the exception of the Willow Ridge Kids Club Daycare, which can safely remain open. During this time, our renters will be required to find an alternate location to run their programs.

Why is the Willow Kids Club Daycare allowed to remain open during construction?

The Willow Kids Club Daycare is located on the lower level, on the North side of the building in the area that was part of our 2019 expansion. This area meets the building code, and will not require any further upgrades. The daycare was built in the summer of 2023, and includes a separate HVAC system, separate washrooms, and a separate outside entrance. They can safely operate while the rest of the building remains closed for construction.


Who will cover the costs to repair the building?

The design phase will be paid for by the City of Calgary Engineering Consulting Program (ECP), which is a grant available to all Community Associations. The construction costs will be shared between the City of Calgary Lifecycle Capital Grant (LCG) and the Willow Ridge Community Association.

How will we cover all the additional expenses with less rental revenue?

The WRCA will be applying for grants to offset the cost of repairing the building, lost revenue, as well as additional expenses incurred as a result of the closure, such as the rental of the office trailer. We have adjusted our 2024/25 fiscal budget to account for the expected expenses and reduced revenues. We are confident that we will be able to maintain the high quality of programs and events offered to our members, and continue working on community projects, facility upgrades, and program growth that was already planned for 2025 and beyond.


Rogers Business installing phone lines in our temporary office trailer, located at the back of the building, on the South side.

Rink Camera available between 7am and Midnight