Cell Tower Installations

Greetings Willow Ridge community members, The purpose of this note is to share information about an update from the city with reference to changes being contemplated regarding cell tower installations. For those that are interested, there is a meeting being held on September 1 (please refer to the email below for more information and follow […]
Guidebook Report Back Presentation – Online

Guidebook Report Back Presentation – LIVE on April 29 The City’s Guidebook team is hosting a Guidebook Report Back Presentation, live on April 29 at 6:30 p.m. Tune in by clicking here at the scheduled date and time of the presentation. This live update will include a report back on the key themes heard at […]
WRCA Neighbour Day Art Walk

UPDATE Please see the map of the streets with participants below! Hello WRCA neighbours! Neighbour Day is going to look a little different for all of us this year. We won’t be hosting any group gatherings this year but we still want to inspire our community members to engage with one another and show some […]