
Community News

Willow Ridge Community Engagement Survey

Hi Willow Ridge Community! PRIZES to be won, please read! 

We at the Willow Ridge Community Association (WRCA) were wondering if you could take 5 minutes to fill out the survey linked below for us to better understand your needs, desires, and concerns. We want to improve the community experience of our 7,500+ residents, and we can only do it with your help and input. 

With our newly renovated Community Centre now complete, we’re ready to look aheadduring COVID-19 and beyond!  

You can win 1 of 6 prizes! We know your time is valuable, so we have gathered some prizes that you can win if you complete the online surveyThis is what is available to be won: 

  • $50 Southcentre Mall gift cards (x4) 
  • $25 Italian Centre Shop gift cards (x4) 

Please tell us what you think.  Make your voice heard! 
Click the link below to find the survey.


Thank you, 

The Willow Ridge Community Association 


Rink Camera available between 7am and Midnight