
Community News

President’s Message – October

Let’s talk about our trees. 

Our trees are a vital part of our neighbourhood; they provide shade, beauty, and have been integral to our neighbourhood identity for decades.  Unfortunately, many of the mature trees that make up our beloved tree canopy are now dying off due to a combination of age, drought, and disease.  Many of our poplars in particular are at or past their expected life span.  Here is what you can expect over the next few years as we go through the process of revitalizing our tree canopy: 

First, the city does not water mature trees.  The City will water new trees for the first 7 years after planting but mature trees are expected to live based on the water Mother Nature provides.  If residents want to water trees, you are welcome to, but be cognizant of bylaw issues, like leaving hoses across sidewalks.   

Secondly, it is the City Urban Forestry department that manages our public trees.  To deal with mature canopies like ours, the Urban Forestry department has recently launched a new initiative called the “Large Tree Succession Initiative”.  At this time, 25 trees in Willow Park are identified for removal and replacement this fall.  The Community Association is working with the City to try and find more ways to collaborate on maintaining and rebuilding our cherished canopy. 

Third, the best way to report concerns about our trees is to contact 311.  The City uses 311 data to drive decisions.  If you see trees in decline, please log a ticket!   As an example, the city has identified 25 trees of concern in Willow Park, but 0 trees of concern in Maple Ridge.  311 data drives city action which the community association can then follow up on.   

Finally, if you are interested in our trees and green spaces and want to get engaged, feel free to contact me at to explore opportunities.   

Jason Carling 

President, Willow Ridge Community Association 
